We welcome you to our tranquil office. Our staff and doctors are relaxed and like to have fun, but we are serious about providing great health care. You will find your visits with us are a happy experience. We want you to know that there is hope and we are ready to get you started on the road to recovery.
Your First Visit
When you arrive, our patient coordinator, Marti, will give you the necessary paperwork to fill out. She will also introduce you to our advanced note-taking system, which you will use on each visit to show us what symptoms you are having.
These notes are then automatically sent to your insurance provider. We will obtain your insurance information from you over the phone and have your coverage verified.
Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork.
Your Chiropractic Examination
After you finish your paperwork, you will go back to the treatment area. Your vital signs will be taken and then you will meet Dr. Cole. He will take a thorough history of your health and talk to you about your concerns. From there, he will start the exam process. The exam consists of several different categories:
- An orthopedic examination to make sure you can benefit from chiropractic
- A functional exam to examine your muscles
- Range of motion tests
- Reflex testing
- Arm length measurement
- Leg length measurement
- Palpation of the spine to look for imbalances
You might wonder why we look at your arm and leg length. Measuring your arm and leg length can tell us if your pelvis is out of alignment, if you have any disc problems in your lower back and if there are any problems in your upper neck. On every visit, we will make sure your arm and leg lengths match, so we know you are in balance and are ready to take on the stresses of our world.
Confirming Our Findings
X-rays are taken on every new patient to confirm Dr. Cole’s findings from your examination. We find that when it comes to taking X-rays, “To see is to know, not to see is to guess, and we don’t guess with your care!”
We will let the X-rays develop and bring you into the examination room to go over the findings. You will receive a full explanation of what we have found and have all your questions answered.
We may adjust you on your first visit, depending on your pain levels and whether we need to collaborate with another practitioner.
Educating You about Health
It is important that our patients understand why they are in pain in order to get the results they need. You will find many materials around the office for you to learn from. On your first day, we will talk to you about your specific problem so you know why it happened, what we plan to do about it and what you can do at home and work to help.
In-house Workshops: In-house workshops are held 2-4 times per month, which we recommend you attend in order to have a better understanding of how our body works. The workshops are held on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at our office. Light snacks are provided so please confirm if you will be attending. The workshops take about 30 minutes and everyone is welcome to attend. The talk itself has three main parts:
- How the brain communicates with the body and what happens when subluxations occur.
- An explanation of how the bones get out of place (subluxation). We include an in-depth discussion on the Four Ts (Trauma, Tension, Toxins, Temperature Changes).
- The three things that affect longevity.
This is an open forum discussion so we encourage audience members to ask questions!
Health Talks: In addition to holding workshops, Dr. Josh is available for health talks elsewhere. He can talk about many topics but he finds that many groups enjoy our discussions about stress, ergonomics in the workplace and specific types of pain. Dr. Josh is happy to tailor the talks to your needs.